412 /618, 400V

Wiring diagramm heat pump valid up to software version 2.4

Connection (CP022 with Extension IX012, without IM110)
Possibility: Choose configuration via heat pump controller

Attention: Triac outlets require a minimum load of 4VA!

The controller is not fully equiped with connectors by the factory. = connected plugs by the factory

The missing connectors can be buyed with the extension set 738142 from M-TEC.

Choose configuration via heat pump control

Connection (CP022 with Extension IX012, with IM110)

Connection (CP022 with Extension IX012, with IM110)

Possibility: 3 heating circuits mixed, 1 heating circuit unm., DHW- Circ., passive cooling, 2 Diff. controller

Attention: Triac outlets require a minimum load of 4VA!

The controller is not fully equiped with connectors by the factory.

= connected plugs by the factory

The missing connectors can be buyed with the extension set 738142 from M-TEC.