M-TEC & Consolar: Heat pump meets PVT
Looking back on a meeting characterised by the optimal combination with the future:
Around 20 experts from the renewable energy sector accepted the invitation from Consolar and M-TEC to Frankfurt at the end of November.
The workshop day focussed on PVT, a combination with a future for sustainable heating and cooling, as well as the production of electrical energy. In the evening, the networking session focussed on joint activities and visions for the future.
The workshop day focussed on PVT, a combination with a future for sustainable heating and cooling, as well as the production of electrical energy. In the evening, networking focussed on joint activities and visions for the future.
- Consolar offers highly efficient PVT heat pump collector SOLINK as an energy source for all environments
- M-TEC offers excellent heat pumps that are also suitable for low input temperatures
The advantages of the partnership between M-TEC and Consolar:
- Leading PVT air-brine collectors SOLINK under patent protection
- More than 15 years of experience with collectors as the sole source of energy
- More than 25,000 collectors and 3,500 systems in operation in the EU
- Possibility of heating and cooling in silent operation on the roof
- Optional energy manager and power storage unit
- Significantly lower power consumption compared to air source heat pumps
- System technology harmonised with M-TEC
- Heat pump operation feasible down to -12°C outside air temperature
- Major product roadmap for M-TEC and Consolar