Gold medal of honor at the Energy Globe Upper Austria 2022

There were 2,500 submitted environmental projects and each one made a valuable contribution to climate change. It is all the more gratifying that M-TEC particularly stood out among the 4 nominated submissions. With a gold medal of honor in the fire category, M-TEC is once again among the best when it comes to the future of our energy solutions. ​

The Energy Globe Award honors sustainable projects that stand out through resource conservation, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies.

The companies of the M-TEC Group submitted jointly. After 2006, M-TEC was awarded for the second time.

A solution especially for times of rising energy prices and dependencies

Clean and affordable energy for everyone and as independently as possible of the large energy markets: the vision of M-TEC has hardly ever been more important than in the last few months. “Now we not only have a climate crisis, but also an energy and cost crisis. We see a game changer in the energy self-sufficiency of buildings, says Peter Huemer, Managing Director of M-TEC Energy for Future.

Mit der cleveren Vernetzung von Photovoltaik-Anlagen, drehzahlgeregelten Wärmepumpen und Stromspeichern, werden Privatpersonen, mehrgeschoßiger Wohnbau, Gemeinden, Vereine und Unternehmer*innen unabhängiger von steigenden Energiepreisen und leisten nebenbei einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Erfüllung der Klimaziele. Die Integration von E-Ladestationen ermöglicht es, überschüssige Energie für grüne Mobilität zu nutzen. „M-TEC verfügt nicht nur über die Technologien und die Produkte für solche Lösungen, sondern hat auch die Erfahrung, diese umzusetzen, so Dominik Mittermayr, Geschäftsführer der M-TEC Energie Innovativ.

Congratulations to all honorees and winners

More information about the Energy Globe Upper Austria 2022

We see a game changer in the energy self-sufficiency of buildings.